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Marketing Strategy (ATL, BTL and TTL)


When a brand or business considers strategic communication with the market, several elements or factors must be considered. And these elements are incorporated into the company's advertising or communication strategy.

Obviously, we understand the fundamental process of STP (Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning).

We identified our target customer segments and a central message that we want to communicate with these segments about our product/brand through the STP exercise. This can be viewed as part of the advertising strategy or as a prerequisite for developing a strategy for communication

The following are some of the factors to consider:

· Prospective Target Audience

· Statement or key message

· Timelines and

· Budget

· The communication's intended outcome or goal

· Appropriate media/channels for communicating evaluation of success

I'm sure the list above is not encyclopedic, but it does help you understand the scope by providing an aerial view.

Another important consideration is that the factors on the list are highly interdependent. For example, we cannot plan on using a channel with high costs if we do not have a large budget.

As a result, every company evaluates these factors and develops an advertising strategy for itself or its product.

I'll shed some light on the channel/medium component of a communication strategy in this topic.

In the 1950s, FMCG Giant Procter and Gamble used to pay advertising agencies differently depending on how targeted or direct their promotional activities were. A "Line" was identified and defined at this point.

Let me clarify two points for you here:

1. If you've never heard of Procter and Gamble (P&G), it's the same company that makes Gillette, Tide, Head & Shoulders, Pantene, Pampers, Olay, and other well-known brands.

Don't you feel bad for not knowing about such a colossus? In theory, you should, but don't be too hard on yourself. P&G is more concerned with promoting its individual brands. A company like this is known as a "House of Brands." A "Branded House" is the inverse of this. Apple and Google are two examples.

2. If you are unfamiliar with the term Advertising Agency or an in-house advertising and marketing division, a company/team hires an in-house team to help create and implement a marketing communication strategy. The main reason for hiring an advertising agency/in-house team is to benefit from their expertise in effectively executing an advertising strategy.

Let us now return to the subject of this article:

ATL ( Above-The-Line) Marketing

When a marketing activity or campaign is carried out with the goal of increasing brand awareness or product visibility, we refer to it as "Above The Line Marketing." The emphasis here is on brand development.

ATL marketing is done on a large scale. These are primarily untargeted, with the goal of reaching a larger audience. Because of the large audience in the picture, ATL marketing is also known as mass advertising. In general, measuring the impact and Return on Investment of ATL advertising is complex.

Another essential factor to consider is the selection of media/channels that can assist in communicating with a larger audience. Some of the most common ATL marketing channels are:

• Television

• Newspaper

• Radio

• Magazines/Newspaper

• Billboards

• Cinema Advertisements, and so on.

BTL (Below-The-Line) marketing

When a marketing activity or campaign is run to generate revenue and brand loyalty, we refer to it as "Below The Line Marketing." The emphasis here is on conversions and the rate of sales.

BTL marketing is done on a micro-level. These are heavily targeted to reach an identified segment on an individual level. The communication message is tailored on a more personal level in this method. In general, BTL advertising is measurable in terms of sales, feedback, Return on Investment, and so on.

Another critical factor to consider is the media/channels used to communicate with a specific audience. The following are some of the most common BTL marketing channels:

  • Direct Marketing Event Sponsorships

  • Public Relations in-store and sales promotions

  • Telemarketing Expos

  • Email Marketing

  • Social media

  • Billboards*, flyers, catalogues, and brochures are examples of outdoor advertising

*Please keep in mind – trackable QR codes and SMS shortcodes.

ATL Marketing
  • Objective: Brand Awareness, Visibility

  • Targeting: Untargeted, Meant for a wider audience

  • Marketing Channels: TV, Newspaper, Radio, Billboards, etc.

  • Cost: Expensive

  • Impact Measurement: difficult to measure the impact and ROI

BTL Marketing
  • Conversions and Sales

  • Targeted, Meant for identified segments

  • Direct Marketing, Email Marketing, Sponsorships, Exhibitions, Promotions, Brochures, etc.

  • Cheaper as compared to ATL

  • Measurable in terms of sales, feedback, ROI

TTL ( Through-The-Line) Marketing

Now that we've established both ATL and BTL marketing, what if a company wants to combine the two in a predetermined proportion?

Essentially, a company's marketing strategy may aim to raise brand awareness while also generating conversions and revenue. A combination of ATL and BTL approaches will be used with such a goal.

This type of marketing strategy is known as "Through-The-Line Marketing." This method enables brands to communicate with customers at various points.

In the age of digital marketing and advertising, I recommend more about TTL.

From a Digital Perspective, ATL and BTL Marketing

All PPC (pay per click) ads, display advertising, and social media advertising are targeted and thus qualify as BTL Marketing.

A company creating social media pages on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and others can also be considered ATL Marketing because they are not targeted and are meant for everyone to see for Brand/Product Awareness.

However, we have seen that BTL Advertising campaigns on digital platforms can help reach a much larger audience. As a result, a digital marketing strategy can be developed to generate ATL benefits while also serving as a BTL communication channel. As a result, the distinction between ATL and BTL is becoming increasingly clouded in this day and age.

Conclusion: As stated above, the primary distinction between the two types of marketing strategies, namely ATL and BTL Marketing, is the medium of communication use and the budget for the advertising agency or hiring an in-house team.

These terms are pointless to marketers as long as they understand their business objectives and create an advertising plan accordingly.

Although we divide the channels into ATL and BTL, there is no ideal placement of any medium within ATL or BTL. I say this because the most critical factor to consider before selecting any channel is the Intent

For example, we use ATL marketing because our goal is to raise brand awareness and reach as many people as possible. In this case, a company is willing to spend the money and select the appropriate media.

Similarly, someone who opts for BTL Marketing intends to increase the rate of sales. As a result, the choice of media is entirely their own. If a company has data and research to back up that radio is a suitable medium for BTL advertising, it may choose radio as one of its communication channels. We cannot justify the choice by claiming that radio is a channel for ATL advertising.

On the same note, Billboards were placed in both ATL and BTL modes for the same reason. A billboard placed in an area densely populated with engineering colleges with the intent of targeting engineering students is an example of BTL Marketing. Similarly, ATL Marketing can be a billboard placed on one of a city's busiest streets to simply gain maximum visibility. Again, the marketer's intent is essential in this case. Of course, the channel selection about the purpose can go wrong, but that is a separate discussion. It will fall under the Marketing Strategy Success Evaluation component.



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